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Breakdown Express is how casting directors and talent representatives connect with Breakdown Services.

Breakdown Express delivers casting information to talent representatives instantly throughout the day. After a talent representative views the casting information, they can submit Actor's pictures, résumés and videos via Breakdown Express to casting directors. Breakdown Services' clients can add two pictures and a résumé for each of their clients at no charge so they have the ability to submit them electronically. If an actor paid for either a Performance Video or Actor Slate, talent representatives can submit these video files with their submissions.

View Breakdowns

To view Breakdowns on Breakdown Express you must be a client of Breakdown Services. Only Talent Agents and Personal Managers can view Breakdowns on Breakdown Express. In order to qualify as a talent agency, you must be licensed as a talent agency. Personal Managers must belong to the Talent Managers Association. To receive Breakdown as a talent representative, please send your request for subscription information to richards@breakdownservices.com.

Casting Directors

If you are a casting director, you will need to be registered with Breakdown Services in order to receive a login and password to view submissions. Casting directors have the ability to release roles in Los Angeles and New York as well as specific regions within the United States. With offices in Canada, we offer the choice of Vancouver or Toronto, Western and Eastern Canada. We can also release Breakdowns for international projects in England and Australia.

Posting Breakdowns

Posting a Breakdown is very easy. Just click on the link to our Breakdown form on the upper left side of the Breakdown Express home page. (Casting, post a Breakdown.) After we process your casting information into our format, your project is released to all of the talent representatives who subscribe to Breakdown Services. If you have a Union project, we will be happy to read your script and create an original Breakdown written by one of our staff writers.

Breakdown Services charges only a small fee to release non-union projects.

If you are interested in releasing a project to Actors, check out our companion service for actors at www.actorsaccess.com for more information. There is no charge when releasing Breakdowns directly to actors. Casting directors are able to view talent representative as well as actor submissions through Breakdown Express

For more information about Breakdown Services, go to Breakdown Services.